الأربعاء، 21 مايو 2014

آه من الاصحاب

تختلف الأزمات والشدائد وتختلف معها ردود أفعال المحيطين بك

فمنهم لا يكلف نفسه حتى بالسؤال ...

ومنهم من يتصل حتى يتجنب اى شئ عنه يقال ...

ومنهم من يقف معك بالسؤال والجهد والمال ...

وهناك من يعطي المزيد وهناك من لايزيد عن الفائض لديه

منهم من تحس انه معك يتألم كما تتألم ويحزن كما تحزن ...

ومنهم من يخرج سؤاله من شفتيه ...

منهم من يسأل ليشمت فيك .... ومنهم من يتلذذ بوقوعك في الضيق ...

منهم من لا يبالى وهناك من يدعو لك في ظلمات الليالي ....

منهم من يقف بجوارك ويشعرك بأنه واقف معك رغم الملمات التي ألمت به حتى يحسسك بفضله عليك ...

وهناك من يكون بك رفيق ويشعرك بالسعة وقت الضيق ...ويهون عليك الكربات

ومنهم من يتمنى لحزنك الثبات ولعقلك الشتات ....

وهناك من يبذل الغالي والنفيس ليخرجك مما أنت فيه ...

وهناك الخسيس الرخيص الذي يتآمر عليك ليل نهار ...لتختفي أنت عن الأنظار ...

وهناك من يهجرك دون سبب وهناك من يهجرك بسبب ولكنه لايبوح عن السبب

وهناك , وهناك , وهناك ....

في دنيا البشر قليل من يسأل عنك لا لحاجة ولكن ليطمئن عليك ...

قليل من يقف بجانبك لا لحاجة ولكن ليسعدك ...

قليل من يفرح لفرح ويحزن لحزنك ...قليل من يشعر بك دون أن تتكلم ...

قليل من يحاول أن يخرجك من المآزق , وقليل من يتمنى لك النجاح , ويتمنى لقلبك أن يرتاح ...

تراه لك ناصح أمين , وأسرارك عنده كنز دفين ....

لا ينافقك ولا يرائيك بل يمد يد العون إليك ....

آه من الصحاب ....

هناك أناس لو عاد بنا الزمان ما اخترناهم أبدا في حياتنا ...

لأنهم كانوا للخير قاطعين وبالفساد ناصحين ...وفي الأحزان شامتين ..وللهفوات منتظرين ...

تملأ قلوبهم الأحقاد , وأحزاننا وفشلنا كان لهم خير زاد ...

آه لو عاد بنا الزمان ...

لوضعناهم في سلة المحذوفات ولعملنا لعقولنا فورمات ...

حتى لا يمكنهم العودة من جديد ...فهم أصبحوا لا شئ في الماضي البعيد .

الخميس، 24 أبريل 2014

The cries of suffering

The cries of suffering


What is the human body's ability to withstand the pain?
Cry may be emptied by the gripping pain in particular
How is it going if it cries alone are not enough dump all this much pain?
What do you do if the only way to escape the pain is death?
But if you want death will come?
Or do you wish for death in order to survive the pain?
And From Torment....?
Or do you stay alive...?
 will continue to scream 
And scream
And wish for death a thousand times
But crying to the moon crying to the moon
Cries will join the cries of tortured

Chapter I

Mysterious disappearance

Maadi District Fine what your eyes fall upon during the day until you feel the beauty and tranquility and splendor ...

The neighborhood has a very special character ....

What soon turns to night so dark District, mysterious, frightening for as long as we heard about the incidents occur in the streets at night but ...
But all that did not prevent" Fares" from buying new villa there ......
"Fares" was introverted man loves solitude loves quiet places ....
For him dark fulfills those conditions are all wonderful in that neighborhood
In addition to an unknown call was always like that region and specifically those of the villa
A strange feeling, but did not realize what it was and did not try even to think about it
There are many reasons for him to come to this place and the most important of these reasons that led him to buy that villa in order to keep away from people.

Especially after losing the love of his heart "Nashwa" in the mysterious disappearance of accident
Police did not find any trace them
Passed a whole year to do all they have in order to be found to no avail
He decided to withdraw from this harsh life to this place after he authorized his brother to continue his work even alone with himself
Or sadness
Grief that have increased Antoaúath and isolation to a degree very awesome ....
Become loves the night to a severe degree was stay awake all night doing nothing but meditation in quiet and darkness, ....
And "Nashwa" image that never unfailing ...
Sometimes he saw sitting with him on the balcony and smiling at him ....

Since he came to the villa no longer come to him ....
How old were they appear This relieves him a lot ...
How wished to pronounce and tells him where she is or what happened to her ....
Was often crying in the silence of He reads their image to that day came precisely that night was very dark night ...
And he was sitting in the balcony as usual every night looking forward to overcast skies
And that gave the existing dark darkness making landscape looks like a terrifying panel not see where only vague landmarks scary
Cool winter air began sneaking into his nose taking a deep breath heartened by his chest, and he turned to the seat opposite him ...
Then he saw "Nashwa"

But this time the body was very strange not consider him as a whole it was time to consider outside terrace
Toward the villa, which was offset by its features, this time carrying severe fear ....
"Fares" think he lost his mind
I turned to the direction in which they look to him but he could not see anything of the intensity of the dark
But he heard the sound of a car door open ....
Lit up the cockpit Notice of lighting during those small black truck ...
Got her driver ...
But he can not prove his looks, wearing a big black hat and black dress ... gave him more awe and mystery 
That person was soon, but returned and sank in the dark again when the car door closed

Try to listen heard steps are not only heard it was soon but stopped after a few moments "Fares" oncluded from this that now stands at the back of the truck ...
Make sure that when he heard the voice of the rear door of the truck open ....
Then he heard voices can not distinguish them, but what the advantage that the man was doing pull something from inside the truck

Signed steps ...
Stopped after a few moments and then heard the sound the villa opens the door there were dim lighting emitted from inside the villa
Show on the track what was withdrawn by the man making "Fares" eyes open sharply from what he saw .....
What he saw was not bode well
Never ...
Never ...
Never at all.

Chapter II


Very difficult for a person to lose his loved ones special and he did not know where he went

Then do all it can in order to find any trace of them indicating that they are alive, or so .. dead

Even relaxes the mind of the trouble of searching

This is what happened with "Fares"

The sweetheart "Nashwa" without any trace of her that even if he did not know that she is alive or whether it was ... dead

What was the mysterious disappearance of this torn tendon his heart, but he holds all this

But what happened with the"Fares" that night is what he could not afford

He saw the man pulling into his villa large black bags

Minutes passed on "Fares" He was looking forward to that terrible scene and then returned everything as it was

Many question marks hovered around that guy ..... bags, which was withdrawn does not bode well never

Try not to hold his mind so they are doing to connect the police in order that relaxes the mind

Of those strange obsessions, which filled his mind to not stop his gaze at the place where she was sitting sweetheart or spectrum since few

Rose up, such as being hit by lightning to score his heart that jumps out of place

Scene that was in front of him was over the prospects for humans

All human beings

When a man loses someone dear to him
Trying hard to see in the world of the subconscious imagination making him pictures of beautiful images he saw the

This is done through the unconscious

In order to be compensated for the loss of that person, but it is impossible to create a subconscious image is reflected in the world of terrifying awareness

Image penetrate the subconscious barrier to destroy the sense of

totally destroy the feeling "Fares" when he saw "Nashwa" the alarming on that body

It was torn completely distorted bleed blood everywhere stranger than that it was a point in her hand towards the villa

The villa that directly in front of him
Moments light staring "Fares" in that scene disappearance then if nothing had happened
It was a message she disappearance that broadcast "Nashwa" to "Fares" to tell him about the reason for her disappearance

At this moment I disappearance "Fares" that "Nashwa" was deported but did disappearance leave quietly

Try to absorb it but he can not
Fell to the ground and remained crying .... and crying
Is now a semi-familiar with what happened love his heart

But what is the solution? He does not have any clue as to what he saw to tell even him accused of insanity

Try to calm down and that is gathering pace ...

And even siren each atom has in order to avenge to "Nashwa" what happened predicts that this confrontation with that person will never be normal ...

Got up and stood look to the distant horizon and determination to one thing only that person's mercy never
Whatever the consequences ....

Whatever the circumstances

Chapter III

The Risk

Was filled "Fares"concern is to monitor the villa for day and night

But it was a deserted look like a No Vote No lights Neutral predictor for any life inside

Except for the scene that he saw that night ...
So he decided to enter the villa was not in front of another solution ....

Still thinking in the way sneaking out to the villa without being felt by one and finally guided to those bold idea

And dangerous ...
And beyond the border ...
Under "Fares" watching the villa every night ...
Until finally the door opened ...

Saw the man heading for a pickup truck and then entered the monotonous pace to it and set off the truck

 "Fares" and Go to that man Villa
He then hide behind a small group of bushes next to the door of the villa remained waiting for the return of the man ....

Passed hour after the other until  "Fares" felt that soil moisture had penetrated the bones and finally ...

Heard the sound of a car coming ...
 stopped the truck in front of the door of the villa got mysterious about that person

He stopped at the rear door of the truck and he opened it and the first carrying the bag and headed to the door of the villa opened and the introduction then lock the bag back to the truck

At this moment "Fares"move toward the open door of the villa ....

Income to the villa, which was very dimly lit like a cemetery in a horror movies

Consideration where the heart looking for a place to hide ...
But he heard steps approaching that person ...
Was approaching the door of the villa in the slow ...
A few seconds separated from the door ...

Did not find  "Fares" is to turn around and face and ...

Income pregnant sac next second he cum first incorporated returned to attend the rest ...
"Fares" breathed a sigh of relief ..
A few seconds were separated from the danger
Or death ..

Not for the big door of the villa ...

Came out from behind the door and went to the lobby long ...
There was room in the end went to "Fares"
Hold the handle of the door and running quietly and walked into the room ...

The dark

A graduate small lamp from his pocket to explore the place was a very ordinary bedroom

But drew his attention a group of pictures were pasted on the wall "Fares" approached those images to view them until such rebounded from being hit by lightning from the horror of what he saw

What he saw was suggesting one thing that this guy crazy person ...
But exceeded the limits of madness and all standards .....

"Fares"almost empty in the stomach of the ugliness of those images were all images of women

Pictures of their and panic superior features and their faces and then photographs them after distortion of the face and body and a terrible way ...
Even the ugliest what she saw his eyes ...
Suddenly, and signed his eyes on her image ...
Image of the girl, which was kind wander out of love ...
"Nashwa"  image ....
What was hurting the pain of others ....
So how are exposed to all this suffering ...
Anyone .....
But any human monster doing so ..
Did not resist tear escaped from his eyes ....

Did not even feel the handle of the door of the room is going

In order to open the door ....
So that approaching him ... and ....
Do you like images
"Fares" were surprised that sound ...
However, he turned to him, shouting you bastard ... soo ....
However, the heavy baton prevented between him and the completion of his term ...

Dived from the violence of the strike

He tried to get up but that is insane blow again lost consciousness ...
"Fares" and fell on the ground ...
The hands of that person's crazy ...
But fell ......

The clutches of the human beast

Chapter IV

Screams of agony

Very dark .....

A strip of awesome images quickly passes .....

Strange sounds .....

Blood ...

Corpses ....

Among the corpses were standing there ....

I tried to proclaim them ...

I can not ...

Knotted tongue ...

Extends her hands to .....

I tried to talk to her ...

Shit on the tongue, held ...

Approaching me

Suddenly bolt in the dark about the terrible grotesque entity takes away ..

I hear terrible screaming almost deafening my ears ....

Finally frees tongue ...

Screamed .....


"Nashwa" .....


Suddenly the darkness cleared ....

Lighting faint .....

Like I in the morgue .....

I turned to the source of screaming ....

Were not starchy ...

But that girl was listed on the chair ....

That entity .....

Oh my God .....

He was holding in his hand a pair of scissors and a cut lips ....

Those poor ....

Screamed a cry cut her tendon my heart ....

Shouted in anger roaring Enough .......

What did you do to do with it ....

But why did you you bastard tormented by hideous this way ....

Down so mad his hands in indifference and turned to "Fares" first glance "Fares" thought he was wearing a mask ...

But it turns out that the ugly face of the real face was disfigured degree was awesome, too 

The left cheek is replaced by a gap like a train collided ....

His face was raising horror and disgust ...

His eyes were without lids ....

Did not have a nose ....
But also replaced by a strange gap theorist
Was closer to the metamorphosis of humans .....
Ugliest monster humans saw him kind "Fares"
Or in kind man ....
Even in the most terrible nightmares ...
The ugliest ....

The absolute ...

Chapter V

The monster human

That was metamorphosis human mediates hall resembling the morgue ..
There are ten chairs like electric chairs penalty a
Monolith in the form of a circle and its victims were tied to those chairs each and every one of them is waiting ill-fated destiny ..
At the hands of that monster ..

Who giggle, laughing loudly and said brutally base it should taste the torment thousand thousand times my mind will not rest until tougher inflicted torment ..
"Fares"  shouted in anger ..
You are despicable villain ..
You are crazy ..
Try to get rid of his registration
But inevitably was tightly restricted ..

Told him that metamorphosis quipped Excuse me I do not have a chair for you you were not invited us tonight ..
Follow his most brutal laugh and his words went on to say but do not worry, I will not kill you will make you live my suffering ..
Live to see the compassion in the eyes of the other ..
Horror and disgust in the eyes of others ..
Even I guarantee you will not tell anyone on the place will Bore ears until you hear anything and I will cut off the tongue and I'll cut your hands and your feet ..

Bore you eye and I'll leave you one eye to see the features of others ..
Followed by his satanic Dgat high ..
"Fares" shouted saying do what you wish your turn is coming ..
And will pay the price dearly ..
How lost from the same innocent ..
Without any guilt, including de ..

Interrupted him, saying ..

Is not bear all the sins I am not ..
"Fares"exclamation point!! Of his term ..
Replied, wondering is!! of??
Displaced so metamorphosis a glance away regain past events ..
"Fares" replied saying ..
I was very young and in particular ..
The girls were fighting for my friendship ...
But I do not mind them ...
Until I saw that girl like it strongly and quickly progress to her and her engagement ...

Was set wedding date

I was very happy ...
On my wedding day I was walking with my car rushed to equipment brought joy ...
Intercepted a large truck my way I can not avoid them ...
Hit by the violence ...
After almost a week in the hospital agreed ...
I noticed looks strange in the eyes of others ...
Looks disgusting nurse in the eyes of those that were to follow up my case.
And looks pathetic in the eyes of my family ..
I asked my father for my fiancee ..

Forget my son said to me ..

I almost lost my mind how can I forget ...
What do you say, Dad ..
He said the words I will never forget ..
My son has abandoned you ..
After that distort your face
Then engaged in severe crying ..
Could not believe what I hear ...
Tried to promote ...
I called the nurse ...
And asked her mirror ...
Refused in the beginning ...
But sped up in my order to meet because of extreme anger ...
Grabbed the mirror and considered ....
Did not I take the ugliness theorists ...
And like I see the to disciple devil ...
Screamed the highest audio ...

I wish I was I did not see that scene ...

I waited until I recovered and then abandoned everything ...
And resolved to revenge them ...
Understand they come near me
Now flee from me
Are the cause of my suffering ...
Must ...
Firas interrupted him, saying all any suffering of talk ...
It turned out to be a serial killer You deserve to die a thousand times ..
Shouted him so mad in anger and said no .. no ..

I am not, but She

Are worthy to die a thousand times ... 
And rushed towards that poor girl ... 
Catch Bosch iron and began to be planted in one after the other in her arms, crying ... 
And scream ... 

However all seemed so crazy enjoy what is happening, but was warmly received for the scream ...

Finished planting skewers ... 
By using a machine such as those used by the dentist in the patient's mouth open and then attracting the tongue with pliers and Apartment halves ... 
The poor have bled a lot of blood began Sniffles ... 
But he did not suffice even brought drill and put it on the temple ... 
And ran the drill ... 
The girl screamed ... 

The last cry ...

Cry uprooted hearts, but his heart is ... 
Then Zhicheng her head completely ... 

And forever ...

Chapter VI mercilessly

Fares could not believe his eyes .... 

He tried to absorb what had happened after I saw all of this is put on the table Drill coldly and pulls a camera then takes a picture of the girl .....

Or what was called the girl a few hours ago ..... 

Try not looking for anything around him help him get rid of his record .... 

But he despair of it ..... 

Try to think of any way ..... 

Torrent cut his thoughts screaming woman begging a request mercy and says I beg you have young children

Let me come back to them ..... 

I beg my heart patient will not bear this effort .... a ... a ... 

Was unable to complete her term .... 

The starting date quickly cramps impact of a heart attack .... 

Rushed toward her so deformed flagrant ..... 

Noooooooo ......

Rushed looking for anything for its recovery 

But the whole place does not do anything to help life ..... 

But they were all carrying tools of torment and death .... ... 

The woman last breath already ... 

Has to carry a big ax and rushed toward her flagrant ....

That was the death must have been at the hands ............ 

And fell on her shoulders by the cut and fell to the ground ... 

Then lifted and dropped her on her head ... 

Littered with the bones of the skull everywhere .... 

Erupted fountain of blood in his face ....

Which increased the ugliness of appearance ... 
Shouted by Fares Enough, O, O vile monster ...... 
Looked him in anger and thrown ax money aside Fares ax avoiding those that did not blindside the wall separating it from the head only a few centimeters ... 
Rushed toward him and grabbed his neck and DNA from hair until Fares Boaddiqh unpleasant on his face and told him I do not want to hear your voice ... 
Do you never understand ... 
Then drop it from his hand and fell to the ground .... Fares 
And he went in order to include new cry ... 
To the screams of the tortured

Chapter VII end suffering

Fares felt bitterly awesome .... 
He is unable to do anything .. 
But suddenly remember those that ax next to him .... 
He said to himself that his victim now deformed busy New ... 
He suffered so much that exploits the concern in the torture of the girl in the liberation of the same but there is no other way ...

Moderated difficulty in its effort to make fabulous even make the blade ax between his feet .....
Under the constraint passes broken up .....
Have a look at that bastard
, Who went to the girl tied to a metal chair and lit a torch from the flame beneath it, and left it to burn up the chair
Then he went and held at this moment Drill clipped to my knees girl nearby, and then brought a big knife which remained cut
Then pour out a bottle of alcohol, the higher the greater the cries of joy and ecstasy ....

Then brought Sikh and instilled in her cheek and directed from the other side ...
Then extended his hand in her mouth and grabbed him from the inside, lured abroad in the meat cut off the power and ugliness in her face and brought a bottle of acid by the center and pour in her eyes ....
Subsided after the girl's voice ....
Almighty while screaming girl who burn the place was filled with the smell of barbecue ...
But he gave the camera and snapped a picture of the girl first and then bowed her head and went on to attend the ax in order to cut off her head, but he remembered that he had tossed out Fares ...

Where Fares turned into ...
But he was surprised that he does not exist ....
Are you looking for this ....
Fares's voice came from behind him ...
I turned to him, which roared in anger, but the Fares dealt blow by separating his shoulder .....
He cried out in pain grabbed his shoulder important that erupted from a fountain of blood ...
Shouted by Fares ...

Now tasted the agony ...
Tasting cup of agony ....
Girls who drink them are innocent ...
Then lift the ax fell on his shoulder by the other ....
He cried out in pain and told him, I beg you ...
Mercy ...

Cried the Fares of Mercy ...
How Amng mercy and you have not granted the mother's poor ...
How Amng mercy and you have not granted a sweetie thin ..
You deserve to die a thousand times and beat him ax ...
He shouted, deformed and screams rose to join the cries of the tortured ....
Declared the end of the monster ....
And the end of suffering.


In order to become a mortal man should abandon his humanity and because the knight man has a heart ... 
Did not abandon his humanity when he killed the assassin crazy .... 
But to kill him out of revenge ... 
Revenge for every cry of pain started from the lips of every woman and girl tortured her without any right .... 
Revenge love his heart .... 

Revenge was the worst in his entire life has been turned into the body of the mad villain into a pile of chopped meat 
Intestines scattered ... 
Broken bones .... 
Knight could not control himself ... 
Fell to the ground ... 
And vomited ...

Felt as if his soul will go out under even drove vomiting stomach acid yellow .... 
Gathered what remained of his strength and got up to the girls and the liberated prisoners 
Hit all tears from excessive suffering and torment, who passed him in those last few hours ... 
How was a terrible night ... the night was the color of blood ... 
Night her voice was whining ... 
Laws tortured.


الاثنين، 14 أبريل 2014

سوريا الابية

سوريا لن تستكين

رغم المآسي والجراح

ستظل حرة رغم أنف المجرمين

سوريا الأبية لن يمزقكي الكلاب

بل انتى بركان الغضب

سيسومهم سوء العذاب

أنتى الامل أنتى السراب

أمل لأحرار أرادوا النصر لاعيش السراب

أطفال سوريا كالرجال بل هم رجال

في حين حكام العرب فضلات قرد فوق ذرات الرمال

الخميس، 27 مارس 2014


إعدام لكل الأبرياء .....إعدام  لصوت صرخ بحق الشهداء....إعدام لشعب مظلوم من سنين ...إعدام لكل الثائرين المجروحين ...
خرجوا الشباب في كل الميادين ....كان همهم يعيدوا حق المظلومين كان حلمهم ثورة تطيح بالفاسدين ....ثورة تطهر مصر والنيل الحزين....

وقفوا الشباب وقفة أسود ....بركان غضب صهر القيود ....وسقط شهيد برصاص عبيد ...ومن قبلهم خالد سعيد ....
خالد سعيد مات واندفن ....والثورة يعلوها العفن ....عفن الشتات والاختلاف .....والمستفيد كائن خبيث مش همه مصلحة الوطن ....

كل اللى همه منصبه ....يموت شهيد مليون شهيد .....كل اللى همه منصبه....أصل الشهيد  مات وأندفن.